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The Elegance of a Man in a Tuxedo

The Elegance of a Man in a Tuxedo

By Aubrey Chloe

Everyone will ungrudgingly agree that a man in tuxedo looks elegant and will be conspicuous in any social or business gathering. Another big advantage is tuxedo is quite versatile and can be worn for a day event or a night function. Hence, tuxedos are the best outfits that a man can have in his wardrobe.

When deciding to buy a tuxedo, you must remember that suit style keeps regularly changing according to fashion trends. Tuxedo suit for men must be carefully selected according to his physical frame as any ill-fitting suit can make a person look clownish.

Before buying a tuxedo you should know what kind of styles are out on the market. Prefer styles that are comfortable, fit well, and ensure again that they go well with your particular build.

Colorful Tuxedos:
There are a variety of colorful tuxedos available in the market and the best way to purchase the right tuxedo is through online shopping. You will come across plenty of designer tuxedos.
When asked to shop, most women favor buying a colorful tuxedo suit for their men. Many women are guided by what the celebrities wear and then pick a style that they think will look elegant on their when searching online.

If you are patient enough, you can play around with different styles, textures and patterns on the computer monitor and in fact, you can even craft a tuxedo to suit your individual taste and style. The colorful tuxedos are invariably designer tuxedos and they look truly fabulous. The colorful tuxedos are versatile and can be worn on all formal as also semi-formal occasions.

Style Choices:
Like regular suits, double-breasted style tuxedo look elegant on men who are slim, while single button style tuxedo are better suited for men who are somewhat stout. The shawl collar tuxedo is meant for men who are heavily-built.

Tuxedo Details:
Tuxedos are generally in black color or dark gray or a white dinner jacket accompanied by black trousers. The chief difference between a regular suit and a tuxedo is that the tuxedo comes with a satin lapel and a matching satin stripe alongside the outside of trousers.

There is no denying that wearing tuxedos during formal occasions lends majesty and elegance to the wearer - more so, if it is a black tuxedo that imparts a classic look. If you are particular about a formal look, then tail jacket with a black tie would certainly make you stand out. This would give attention-grabbing and particularly recommended for evening parties.

Tuxedo Accessories:
Tuxedo accessories are always required when a tuxedo is worn. The tuxedo accessories are a cummerbund with the pleats facing up, shoes that are in black patent leather, the bow tie that matches the cummerbund and if you wish to wear a vest instead of cummerbund, the necktie that matches the vest. There is little doubt that the right type of a TUXEDO lends elegance to a man's deportment and no man's wardrobe can be deemed complete without a tuxedo. Accessories should always match not only the jacket and pants, but the event as well.

Aubrey Chloe is presently working on the site Mens suits. He has written many articles on various topics. For more information about Tuxedos visit our site Zoot suits.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aubrey_Chloe
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Colorful Tuxedos Add a Wild Charm

Colorful Tuxedos Add a Wild Charm

By Dona Albert

There are a number of online and offline resources that make available colorful tuxedos. The designer tuxedos, tuxedo vests and beautiful tuxedo tails are now only a click away. You can play around with styles and textures and patterns on your computer screen and with the help of the drag and drop technique, you can assemble your own individually stylized tuxedo!

The colorful tuxedos are creations of some of the best names in the fashion industry. The term 'colorful' could be misleading though, but the professionals set your mind at ease as you feast your eyes on bold combinations and soft hues. The colorful tuxedos are also designer tuxedos. They are the result of much research and contributions of clientele from all over the world. The creators of the designer tuxedos - tuxedo vests and tuxedo tails are selflessly dedicated to the endeavor - the success of your evening! The colorful tuxedos can be worn to any formal or semi formal event.

The tuxedo vests are available as single breasted and double breasted and the tuxedo tails are designed to complement the trousers, shirt and vest. Dressing up a man is an art. Here may not be a lot of elaborate components to the attire, frills et al, but the colorful tuxedos and designer tuxedos complete with the tuxedo vests and tuxedo tails do guarantee the turning of a number of heads as you walk in.

You can choose the print on the fabric and the texture and mix and match to develop your own individual style. The various online and offline resources for colorful tuxedos and designer tuxedos and the tuxedo vests and tuxedo tails are accessible 24x7, from the comfort of home, well in advance of the occasion. This enables you the convenience of shopping from the one-stop-shop well in advance and heeding well of the advice and guidance thrown in. The resources also make available suggestions and sneak reviews of the latest fashion trends. This enables you to put together your own tuxedo, keeping in step of the times. Colorful tuxedos and tuxedo vests and tails are yours to shop from home!

Dona Albert is a professional writer, presently she is writing articles on Tuxedo Shirts, Dinner Jackets and Tuxedo Vests for http://www.finetuxedos.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dona_Albert

Sejarah Munculya Jas (Tuxedo)

Sejarah Munculya Jas (Tuxedo)
Posted by Andi Nugraha FAP Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Jas (tuxedo) mulai muncul di tahun 1860 ketika Henry Poole & Co. membuat setelan khusus - short smoking jacket - bagi Pangeran Inggris, Edward VII untuk dikenakan pada acara makan malam.

Enam tahun kemudian, saat sang pangeran diundang oleh jutawan Amerika James Potter, ia pun langsung merekomendasikan pada James Potter agar memesan pakaian yang sama ke Henry Poole untuk acara makan malam.

James kemudian mengenakan setelan tersebut ke country klub paling top di New York, Tuxedo Park Club. Secara cepat, pakaian jenis baru ini menarik minat anggota lain dan kepopulerannya terus menanjak.

Info tambahan: Orang Amerika menyebutnya tuxedo, sementara di negara asal, Inggris awalnya disebut dinner jacket atau smoking jacket.

Sebelum kemunculan tuxedo, kalangan seniman, bohemian sering mengenakan setelan tiga rangkap yang terdiri dari jas lounging dengan tali pengikat di pinggang, dipadu rompi serasi dan celana panjang.

Demikian juga dengan bangsa Turki yang sudah memakai mantel serupa jas sebelum abad ke-18. Kemudian, bangsa Inggris merekayasa mantel Turki dengan memotongnya lebih pendek jadi jaket sepinggang yang disebut waistcoat.

Penjahit istana memperkaya pakaian itu dengan sulaman dari benang emas dan perak, begitu juga hiasan dekoratif di celana. Tak jarang, setelan jas dijahit dari bahan mewah beludru yang membuat reputasi bangsawan Inggris semakin berkilau.

Hal tersebut membuat Raja Louis XIV berang. Sebagai pencinta penampilan, ia tak suka mendengar kejayaan Inggris Raya. Sang raja pun memasang taktik untuk merendahkan pakaian bangsawan Inggris dan para penjahitnya. Jas pendek gaya aristokrat Inggris, justru digunakan Prancis untuk seragam tentara infantri. Bahkan pelayan rumah tangga istana diharuskan mengenakan jas pendek itu.
Tanpa diduga, jas pendek Inggris justru semakin populer dan tren di Prancis. Pakaian yang awalnya dibenci malah diminati seluruh daratan Eropa.

Tak ayal, Raja Louis pun mengenakannya hingga masa pemerintahannya berakhir. Lalu, Prancis pun menyempurnakan jas asal Inggris itu dengan dekorasi sulaman yang kaya motif, corak dan mewah yang gemerlap. Kemudian mengklaim jas pendek itu sebagai hasil temuannya.

Jadi, siapa sangka gara-gara perseteruan Prancis dan Inggris malah membuat jas dikenal banyak orang dan semakin populer.


Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas


Jas (bahasa Belanda: jas) adalah pakaian resmi model Eropa, berlengan panjang dan dipakai di luar kemeja. Setelan jas (bahasa Inggris: suit) atau hanya disebut setelan sedikitnya terdiri dari sebuah jas dan sebuah celana panjang yang dibuat dari kain yang yang sama. Berdasarkan jumlah baris kancing di bagian depan, jas terdiri dari jas kancing sebaris (single breasted) dan jas kancing dua baris (double breasted).

Dalam bahasa Inggris, istilah jacket juga mengacu kepada jas launs (lounge suit) atau jas malam (evening suit), dan bukan pengertian jaket dalam bahasa Indonesia (jaket olahraga atau jaket kulit).

Jas launs adalah model jas standar yang paling umum, dulunya berasal dari Inggris sebagai pakaian untuk berkegiatan di alam bebas.[1] Bila hanya disebut jas, maka jas yang dimaksudkan adalah setelan jas model standar (jas launs) lengkap dengan kemeja dan dasi, dan biasanya dipakai pria bekerja di kantor.

Bila dalam undangan disebutkan kode busana black tie, maka pria diminta memakai jas resmi yang disebut tuksedo. Jas diner (dinner suit, sebutan di Britania) atau tuksedo (tuxedo atau tails, sebutan di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada) adalah setelan jas resmi berwarna hitam, bagian belakang jas berbuntut, dan dipakai bersama dasi kupu-kupu hitam dan kemeja putih. Kode busana black tie bukan berarti jas standar warna gelap dengan dasi hitam.